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Accessing Library Resources


This guide is intended to assist University students and staff to access all of the library resources and services available to them. It should be particularly useful for anyone studying or working remotely, who may not have easy access to a physical library.

The University of Divinity provides access to an extensive range of online library resources through the Library Hub. This includes databases, ejournals and eBooks, and a wealth of other library-related information. It is an online one-stop shop for all things “library”, providing links to many useful tools and resources, including academic resources, library special collections, FAQs, and a range of general and subject-based LibGuides. 

If you require assistance with accessing online resources, please contact the Library Hub team at Mannix Library on and we will be happy to assist. We also welcome you suggestions for  useful additions to this guide.

Depending on the nature of the query a member of the Library Hub team will:

  • Email a response
  • Establish a Zoom meeting to discuss query further
  • Forward the query to a more appropriate person to provide assistance

Libraries associated with Colleges of the University of Divinity

Libraries associated with Colleges of the University of Divinity include the following:

If students require assistance, their first point of contact should be the library or libraries associated with their home college. Available library services will vary depending on each library’s circumstances. Some libraries may be able to post resources and/or provide scanning, document delivery and/or inter-library loan services. Please contact individual libraries for further information. Contact details are available via the links above or in the Libraries brochure.