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Feminist Theologies


This LibGuide is designed to direct you to useful resources in the field of Feminist Theologies.

You may also find useful resources on the related Diversity and Inclusion LibGuide. Use the tabs on the side to link to selected reference items, databases, journals, books, ebooks and websites that will provide a useful starting point for your research and study.

Items have been included for their relevance to the subject area. However, they only represent a small selection of the total number of resources available. See the Library Hub Guide for further information about locating and accessing relevant resources. 

Further information about University of Divinity courses in the area of Feminist Theologies is available here.

Please email if you would like to suggest additional useful content.

Feminist Theologies

The network of Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies (Feminist Theologies) aims to consolidate and energise the University’s commitment to the participation of women and feminist scholars in the academy and for the churches. By fostering and forwarding feminist voice and vision we aim to promote Gospel justice by addressing issues relating to gender equality, class, race, sexuality, and ability.

Feminist Theologies is supported by the University of Divinity under its Strategic Goal 3: Feminist Theologies.

This goal draws on the University’s tradition as the first Australian institution to award a degree in theology to a woman [Winifred Kiek, BD (1924)] and a flagship within the academy for the significant numbers of Catholic women religious, pastoral associates and others not seeking ordination, as well as those women who (since Kiek’s ordination in 1927) have been ordained as Christian ministers in Australia. It aims to grow further the existing network of feminist scholars that seeks to enable a fresh conversation through initiatives in research, publication, mentoring, and related teaching.