Daughters of SarahAn American journal for the particular audience of Christian feminists published from 1974 to 1996.
eJournal of Personalist FeminismThe Siena Symposium for Women, Family, and Culture invites people of all walks of life to deepen their understanding of authentic femininity and masculinity in order to reclaim a culture of life.
Feminism from the Perspective of Catholic TheologyReligions Open Access | "The purpose of this issue is to look at Feminism as an intellectual tradition, to obtain a macro level picture of the essential ‘hallmarks’ of feminist theory as well as a detailed analysis of the various different branches and divisions within the Feminist tradition. Different Catholic scholars will then examine these various ‘hallmarks’, ‘branches’ and ‘divisions’ from the perspective of Catholic theology. The contributions of the female Doctors of the Church will also be presented.
Prof. Dr. Tracey Rowland
Guest Editor"
Feminist TheologyThis journal is the first of its kind to be published in Britain. While it does not restrict itself to the work of feminist theologians and thinkers in these islands, Feminist Theology aims to give a voice to the women of Britain and Ireland in matters of theology and religion. Whilst academic in its orientation, it is deliberately designed to be accessible to a wide range of readers, whether theologically trained or not. Its discussion of contemporary issues is not narrowly academic, but sets those issues in a practical perspective.
In God's ImageThe oldest existing feminist theological journal in Asia, with two issues produced every year
Journal of Feminist ScholarshipThe Journal of Feminist Scholarship is a twice-yearly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published online and aimed at promoting feminist scholarship across the disciplines, as well as expanding the reach and definitions of feminist research.
Lilith: A Feminist History JournalThe official journal of the Australian Women’s History Network, an organisation dedicated to promoting research and writing in all fields of women’s, feminist and gender history.
Priscilla PapersAn academic voice of Christians for Biblical Equality, providing interdisciplinary evangelical scholarship on topics related to a biblical view of gender equality and justice in the church, home, and world.
The Library subscribes to databases to provide you access to sources which are usually not freely available via the internet. You can search databases on your chosen topic and locate full-text articles, abstracts of articles or citations. For the full list of databases available through the Library Hub, see the A-Z Databases page.
Twentieth Century Religious Thought LibraryThis link opens in a new windowTwentieth Century Religious Thought Library is a multivolume, cross-searchable online collection that brings together the seminal works and archival materials related to worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the first decade of the 21st century.
Some of the authors represented from the Christian tradition include: Hans Urs von Baltasar, Karl Barth, Sergius Bulgakov, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Rudolf Bultmann, Helder Camara, James Cone, Ivone Gebara, Gustavo Gutierrez, Adolf von Harnack, Henri de Lubac, Reinhold Niebuhr, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Dorothee Solle, and John Howard Yoder. Twentieth Century Religious Thought Library provides resources to further explore Christian-Muslim-Jewish relations and key concepts in theology across religions. It supports research and teaching in comparative religion, theology, world religion, religion and law, religion and politics, and serves as an important resource for courses and scholarship in Middle Eastern studies, social theory, feminist studies, philosophy, and world history.
The Library includes 3 sub collections:
Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Vol I, Christianity
Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Vol II, Islam
The Digital Karl Barth Library
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowJSTOR is one of the most popular databases allowing you to search full-text scholarly journals on all subjects areas from 1700 onwards. I
t is a continually expanding multi-disciplinary archive of scholarly material in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences. It includes the archives of over 1,000 journals, monographs, newspapers and selected conference proceedings. Access is provided to the complete scanned image of the item. Journals are available from volume 1, issue 1, however the most recently published journal issues are not available.
Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials PLUSThis link opens in a new windowAtlaSerials PLUS® (Atlas PLUS® ) includes more than 530+ full-text journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in more than 20 languages from more than 35 different countries. Atlas PLUS includes all of the titles in Atla’s original full-text product, AtlaSerials® (Atlas®) and 170+ additional full-text titles.
Coverage dates from 1949 to the present with retrospective indexing for some journal issues as far back as the nineteenth century. Journals are selected for inclusion according to their scholarly merit and scope.
ATLA RDB contains more than 1.8 million records, including:
1,800+ journal titles in total (646 which are currently being indexed)
672,200+ journal article records
267,300+ essay records
18,000+ multi-author works
612,100+ review records
301,900+ book records