Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following pages contain names and images of people who have died.
In this ground-breaking collection of essays, diverse religious leaders and thinkers come together to advocate for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Contributors from Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist communities powerfully convey why a First Nations voice to parliament is necessary not only legally and politically, but also morally. Drawing on their unique spiritual beliefs, they argue that the Uluru Statement offers a profound opportunity to heal the wrongs of the past and ensure a better future for all Australians. A rallying cry of support across religious and political divisions, Statements from the Soul shows that the Uluru Statement goes to the heart of who we are as a country and is essential to reconciliation.;;With a foreword by Noel Pearson and preface by Henry Pinskier. Contributors are Sabah Rind, Wesam Charkawi, Fiona Jose, Sardar Ajmer Singh Gill, Prakruthi Mysore Gururaj, Bhikkhu Sujato, Stan Grant, Antonios Kaldas, Rabbi Ralph Genende, Russell Broadbent, Karina Okotel, Kanishka Raffel, Peter Comensoli, Anthony Ekpo, David Saperstein and Rowan Williams.
onglines are an archive for powerful knowledges that ensured Australia's many Indigenous cultures flourished for over 60,000 years. Much more than a navigational path in the cartographic sense, these vast and robust stores of information are encoded through song, story, dance, art and ceremony, rather than simply recorded in writing. Weaving deeply personal storytelling with extensive research on mnemonics, Songlines: The Power and Promise offers unique insights into Indigenous traditional knowledges, how they apply today and how they could help all peoples thrive into the future. This book invites readers to understand a remarkable way for storing knowledge in memory by adapting song, art, and most importantly, Country, into their lives.
This book traces how an Australian Catholic priest's encounter with Aboriginal people forced him to confront the challenges and possibilities that Aboriginal spirituality present to western Christianity.
Fr Fletcher argues that in addition to a more authentic dialogue, a sympathetic understanding of the Dreaming will deepen our own religious experience and help renew modern Christian theology.
The Welcome to Country Handbook by Professor Marcia Langton AO is your accessible introduction to First Nations Peoples, histories and cultures. Drawn from the bestselling Welcome to Country, this guide is essential reading for every Australia, and an excellent resource for cultural awareness training in the workplace or classroom. The chapters cover precolonial and post-colonial history, language, kinship, knowledge, art, performance, storytelling, Native Title, the Stolen Generations, making a rightful place for First Australians and looking to the future for Indigenous Australia. A new introduction as well as a chapter on racism have been written especially for this handbook. A must for every household, this book shows how lucky we are to be the home of the world's oldest continuing civilisation, which is something to be respected and treasured.
Exploring religious and spiritual changes which have been taking place among Indigenous populations in Australia and New Zealand, this book focuses on important changes in religious affiliation in census data over the last 15 years. Drawing on both local social and political debates, while contextualising the discussion in wider global debates about changing religious identities, especially the growth of Islam, the authors present a critical analysis of the persistent images and discourses on Aboriginal religions and spirituality.
This book takes a comparative approach to other Indigenous and minority groups to explore contemporary changes in religious affiliation which have raised questions about resistance to modernity, challenges to the nation state and/or rejection of Christianity or Islam. Helena Onnudottir, Adam Posssamai and Bryan Turner offer a critical analysis to on-going public, political and sociological debates about religious conversion (especially to Islam) and changing religious affiliations (including an increase in the number of people who claim 'no religion') among Indigenous populations. This book also offers a major contribution to the growing debate about conversion to Islam among Australian Aborigines, Maoris and Pacific peoples.
This LibGuide is designed to direct you to useful resources in the field of Indigenous Theologies.
One of the first measures of the University's Strategic Plan is to "deliver academic pathways, cultural competency and a global platform for the benefit of Indigenous peoples and communities."
Items have been included on this guide for their relevance to the subject area. Use the tabs on the side to link to selected reference items, databases, journals, books, eBooks and websites that will provide a useful starting point for your research and study. However, they only represent a small selection of the total number of resources available. See the Library Hub Guide for further information about locating and accessing relevant resources.
You may also find useful resources on the related Diversity and Inclusion LibGuide.
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