The Code of Canon Law by James A. Coriden (Editor); Thomas J. Green (Editor); Donald E. Heintschel (Editor)Compiled as a reference source for the law of the Catholic Church worldwide, this book includes authoritative commentary from over 20 experts in the field of canon law, significant biographic detail, and introductions. It incorporates the full text of the Canon Law in English translations approved by NCCB, a full cross-reference index, and certain tables for quick reference.
A handbook on canon law by Jose Tomas Martin de Agar y ValverdeA Handbook On Canon Law is intended as an introduction to the law of the Church for those approaching the subject for the first time.
The Church is a reality at once charismatic and institutional. Any real understanding of its nature requires a knowledge of the role that law plays in its life. This Handbook on Canon Law presents a complete panorama of Western canon law to help the student better study and understand juridical texts like the Code of Canon Law.
What is canon law? by René MetzSummarizing the important sections of the Code of Canon Law and its main provisions, the book portrays the Church in all the richness of its organizational aspects, delineating the role of clergy, religious and laity and their precise functions at every level. The various types of ecclesiastical courts and processes are treated in enough detail to be informative but not so technically as to overwhelm the average reader seeking general information. The final parts of the books survey the various types of relationships the Church has with the different national states. Its precise legal status in the international family of nations is discussed.
Finding the church : the dynamic truth of Anglicanism by Daniel W Harvy"Anglicanism is distinctive by virtue of its attempt to participate in the life and purposes of God and to make them known through history and in the practicalities of particular situations. Here is a powerful statement of the tasks of Anglicanism today."--BOOK JACKET.
Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Commentarium OfficialeActa Apostolicae Sedis, often cited as AAS, is the official gazette of the Holy See, appearing about twelve times a year. It was established by Pope Pius X on 29 September 1908 with the decree Promulgandi Pontificias Constitutiones, and publication began in January 1909
The CanonistCanon Law Society of Australia and New Zealand.
The Canon Law DigestThe canon law digest; officially published documents affecting the Code of canon law documents from 1917-33.
by Bouscaren, T. Lincoln
Ephemerides Theologicae LovaniensesEphemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (ETL), founded in 1924, is a quarterly publication by professors of Theology and Canon Law at the KU Leuven and the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve). As a peer-reviewed and internationally distributed journal, it publishes articles, notes and comments, and reviews (in English, French, German) on all aspects of theology and canon law for an academic readership.
International journal of public theologyPublic Theology is the result of the growing need for theology to interact with public issues of contemporary society. It seeks to engage in dialogue with different academic disciplines such as politics, economics, cultural studies, religious studies, as well as with spirituality, globalisation and society in general. The International Journal of Public Theology, affiliated with the newly founded Global Network for Public Theology, aims at becoming the platform for original interdisciplinary research in the field of Public Theology.
The JuristThe Jurist is the only academic journal published in the United States devoted to the study and promotion of the Church’s sacred discipline, canon law. Published by CUA Press for the School of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, it provides a forum for the investigation of canonical questions in the life of the Church today, the historical sources of canon law, and various applications to ecclesiastical ministry.