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Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials PLUSThis link opens in a new windowAtlaSerials PLUS® (Atlas PLUS® ) includes more than 530+ full-text journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in more than 20 languages from more than 35 different countries. Atlas PLUS includes all of the titles in Atla’s original full-text product, AtlaSerials® (Atlas®) and 170+ additional full-text titles.
Coverage dates from 1949 to the present with retrospective indexing for some journal issues as far back as the nineteenth century. Journals are selected for inclusion according to their scholarly merit and scope.
ATLA RDB contains more than 1.8 million records, including:
1,800+ journal titles in total (646 which are currently being indexed)
672,200+ journal article records
267,300+ essay records
18,000+ multi-author works
612,100+ review records
301,900+ book records
It contains texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions. In total, the present version of the LLT-A contains over 63 million Latin words, drawn from more than 3300 works that are attributed to more than 1000 authors. It covers Latin literature from Antiquity to the twentieth century. LLT-B is a complementary database that grows at a faster pace than the LLT-A. It contains more than 600 texts.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of ReligionThis link opens in a new windowWith over 250 articles available, the ORE provides in-depth overviews of the major areas of research and will continue to grow with the field over time.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion is part of the larger online Oxford Research Encyclopedia, a dynamic digital encyclopedia continuously updated by the world’s leading scholars and researchers.
Theology and Religion OnlineThis link opens in a new windowTheology and Religion Online offers students and scholars a richly layered resource devoted and dedicated to research, study, and teaching in Theology, Biblical Studies, and Religious Studies.
Christology by Gerald O'CollinsIn this fully revised and updated second edition of his accessible account of systematic Christology, Gerald O'Collins continues to challenge the contemporary publishing trend for sensationalist books on Jesus that are supported neither by the New Testament witness nor by mainline Christian beliefs.This book critically examines the best biblical and historical scholarship before tackling head-on some of the key questions of systematic Christology: does orthodox faith present Jesus the man as deficient and depersonalized? Is his sinlessness compatible with the exercise of a free human will? Does up-to-date exegesis challenge his virginal conception and personal resurrection? Can one reconcile Jesus' role as universal Saviour with the truth and values to be found in other religions? Whatshould the feminist movement highlight in presenting Jesus? This integral Christology is built around the resurrection of the crucified Jesus, highlights love as the key to redemption, and proposes a synthesis of the divine presence through Jesus. Clear, balanced, and accessible, this book should bevalued by any student reading systematic theology, anyone training for the ministry in all denominations, as well as interested general readers.
ISBN: 9780191570551
Publication Date: 2010-07-01
Contemporary Christologies by Don SchweitzerWhile many know of the signal contributions of such twentieth-century giants as Paul Tillich or Karl Barth or Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the important work since their time often goes unremarked until some major controversy erupts. Here is a smart and helpful survey of the chief approaches and thinkers in today's understanding of the person, significance, and work of Jesus Christ. Schweitzer offers an insightful introduction to the contemporary context of Christology, in which basic questions in the discipline (and soteriology) are being rethought in light of globalization, postmodernity, and the contemporary experience of evil.
ISBN: 9781451406924
Publication Date: 2010-04-05
The Earliest Christologies by James L. PapandreaThe second century was a religious and cultural crucible for early Christian Christology. Was Christ a man, temporarily inhabited by the divine? Was he a spirit, only apparently cloaked in flesh? Or was he the Logos, truly incarnate? Between varieties of adoptionism on the one hand and brands of gnosticism on the other, the church's understanding took shape.In this clear and concise introduction, James Papandrea sets out five of the principal images of Christ that dominated belief and debate in the postapostolic age. While beliefs on the ground were likely more tangled and less defined than we can know, Papandrea helps us see how Logos Christology was forged as the beginning of the church's orthodox confession.This informative and clarifying study of early Christology provides a solid ground for students to begin to explore the early church and its Christologies.
ISBN: 9780830851270
Publication Date: 2016-03-24
Fully Human, Fully Divine by Michael CaseyA solid blend of theology and spirituality, this refreshing book introduces the reader -- in an interactive way -- to the humanity and divinity of Jesus. Furthermore, Fully Human, Fully Divine applies its significant points to the reader's spiritual life. Paperback
ISBN: 9780764811494
Publication Date: 2004-06-01
The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus by Dale C. AllisonInformally presents and evaluates complex--sometimes troubling--issues in scholarly discussion of Jesus Christ. "Whatever one makes of these pages, they are the stammerings neither of an apologist nor of a skeptic but instead of an oft-confused Protestant who has come to his conclusions, modest as they are, quite gradually, and who may alter his uncertain mind about much tomorrow. Of two things only do I feel assured. The first is that, as unchanging things do not grow -- rocks remain rocks -- informed changes of mind should be welcomed, not feared. The second is this: the unexamined Christ is not worth having." -- from the introduction In this book, which he describes as "my personal testimony to doubt seeking understanding," Dale Allison thoughtfully addresses ongoing historical-theological questions concerning Jesus. What should one think of the modern quest for the historical Jesus when there is such enduring discord among the experts, and when personal agendas play such a large role in the reconstructions? How much history is in the Gospels, and how much history does Christian theology require that there be? How does the quest impinge upon conventional Christian beliefs, and what might it contribute to contemporary theological reflection? The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus is the personal statement of lessons that a respected participant in the quest has learned throughout the course of his academic career.
Jesus Christ by Roch KeresztyFundamentals of the mystery of who Jesus is based on Scripture, the Fathers of the Church and the conclusions of Christological studies to the present day.
ISBN: 9780818906213
Publication Date: 1992-01-01
Life of Christ by Fulton J. SheenWidely proclaimed a classic work of Christian faith, Life of Christ has been hailed as the most eloquent of Fulton J. Sheen's many books. The fruit of many years of reflection, prayer, and research, it is a dramatic and moving recounting of the birth, life, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ, and a passionate portrait of the God-Man, the teacher, the healer, and, most of all, the Savior, whose promise has sustained humanity for two millenia. With his customary insight and reverence, Sheen interprets the Scripture and describes Christ not only in historical perspective but also in exciting and contemporary terms -- seeing in Christ's life both modern parallels and timeless lessons. His thoughtful, probing analysis provides new insight into well-known Gospel events. An appealing blend of philosophy, history, and biblical exegesis, from the best-known and most-loved American Catholic leader of the twentieth century, Life of Christ has long been a source of inspiration and guidance. For those seeking to better understand the message of Jesus Christ, this vivid retelling of the greatest story ever lived is a must-read.
ISBN: 9780385132206
Publication Date: 1977-08-16
Mysterium Paschales by Hans Urs Von BalthasarThis is an account, at once rigorously theological and warmly devotional, of the death and resurrection of Christ, and their significance for the Christian life. Von Balthasar offers sharp insights into some current controversies?for example, the 'bodiliness' of the Resurrection?and spiritual inspiration for the year round. This scholarly reflection of the climax of the Christian year is an established classic of contemporary Catholic theology.
ISBN: 9780898708042
Publication Date: 2000-10-01
The Name and Way of the Lord by Carl Judson DavisThis book discusses the first-century implications of applying Old Testament texts about the divine to Jesus. It summarizes recent views on the significance of this practice. It then collects pre-Christian and first-century Jewish parallels, and notices that most centre on the angel, wisdom, glory and word of the Lord, although application to non-divine figures also occurs. The evidence is that some Christians in the 50s worked with a redefinition of monotheism in which they included the Father and Jesus. Such a view explains the New Testament salvation-historical perspective in regard to the Old Testament belief on the theophany of God and the belief in God as the object of invocation.
The Word Became Flesh by Andrew Willard Jones; Emiliy Stimpson Chapman (Editor)Jesus Christ is the fullness of Revelation. In him we see the face of God the Father. In him we also see ourselves-who we were made to be and who we are called to be. The word Became Flesh: An Introduction to Christology studies the Person of Jesus Christ in time and eternity, finding him in both the pages of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Beginning with an exploration of Revelation and the nature of faith, The Word Became Flesh surveys the Bible, looking at the life and teaching of Jesus in history. It also examines who Jesus revealed himself to be, what he revealed about the Holy Trinity, and how that revelation touches our own lives today as we strike to answer Jesus' call to discipleship in the world. Book jacket.
ISBN: 9781949013382
Publication Date: 2019-05-13
Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology by Michael A. Dauphinais (Editor); Hofer Op Andrew (Editor); Roger W. Nutt (Editor)But who do you say that I am? asks Jesus at the decisive turning point in the Gospel. Simon Peter answers correctly at first but is soon corrected when he protests the revelation of the Cross. Christians in every age are called to confess the right faith in Jesus, who suffered, died, and rose for our salvation. Our own period is beset by a crisis of faith in Jesus, which has had manifold deleterious effects on our lives, our Christian communities, and our world. For the sake of addressing this crisis, the Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal at Ave Maria University and the Thomistic Institute of the Pontifical Faculty at the Dominican House of Studies cosponsored an international conference that took place at Ave Maria University under the title Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology. Beginning with a gripping foreword by Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, OP, of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this volume gathers together several of the excellent conference presentations given by scholars working in North America, South America, Europe, and Western Asia. These studies consider both formulations of who Christ is and of how we are under his judgement. With help from Thomas Aquinas and the Thomistic tradition, this work engages today's crisis of Christology as seen in multiple theological topics and offers models of faith to answer Jesus' question for ourselves, But who do you say that I am?
ISBN: 9781932589856
Publication Date: 2021-07-09
Behold the Pierced One by Joseph Ratzinger; Joseph Harrison (Illustrator)The theological basis for a spiritual Christology. Taking bearings in Christology ; The mystery of Easter : substance and foundation of devotion to the sacred heart ; Communion, community and mission : on the connection between Eucharist, (parish) community and mission in the church -- Three meditations. The Passover of Jesus and the Church : a meditation for Holy Thursday ; "The lamb redeemed the sheep" : reflections on the symbolism of Easter ; Christ the liberator : an Easter homily.
ISBN: 9780898700879
Publication Date: 1986-12-01
Heart to Heart by Peter John McGregorIn Behold the Pierced One, Joseph Ratzinger recounts how the composition of a 1981 paper on the Sacred Heart of Jesus had led him to "consider Christology more from the aspect of its spiritual appropriation" than he had done previously. Upon realizing that this same year was the 1300th anniversary of the Third Council of Constantinople, he decided to study the pronouncements of this Council, and came to believe "that the achievement of a spiritual Christology had also been the Council's ultimate goal." Ratzinger's conclusion in attempting to define a spiritual Christology was that "the whole of Christology--our speaking of Christ--is nothing other than the interpretation of his prayer: the entire person of Jesus is contained in his prayer." The spiritual Christology subsequently developed by Ratzinger is one of communio. Indeed, it is one of theosis. Through a personal and ecclesial participation in the prayer of Jesus, exercised in purity of heart, and consummated in the eucharistic celebration, one comes into communion with Jesus Christ and all the members of his Body, so that eventually one can say truly, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Gal 2:20).
ISBN: 9781498224147
Publication Date: 2016-05-13
Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Cardinal RatzingerOne of Cardinal Ratzinger's most important and widely read books, this volume is a revised second edition with an improved translation and an in-depth 20 page preface by the Cardinal. As he states in the preface, since this book was first published over 30 years ago, many changes and significant events have occurred in the world, and in the Church. But even so, he says he is firmly convinced that his fundamental approach in this book is still very timely and crucial for the spiritual needs of modern man. That approach puts the question of God and the question about Christ in the very center, which leads to a narrative Christology and demonstrates that the place for faith is in the Church.Thus, this remarkable elucidation of the Apostle's Creed gives an excellent, modern interpretation of the foundations of Christianity. Ratzinger's profound treatment of Christianity's basic truths combines a spiritual outlook with a deep knowledge of Scripture and the history of theology.
A Study Guide for Jesus of Nazareth by Timothy Gray (Foreword by); Mark Brumley (Introduction by); D. Vincent TwomeyA user-friendly aid for readers of Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth: Part Two -Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, this Study Guide is excellent for individual or group study, for formal class instruction or informal study. Excellent for parish groups, high school programs, college classes, and graduate studies. The Study Guide does not replace Benedict XVI's book, but it makes it more accessible and beneficial to the average reader--whether lay, religious, or clergy--as well as the knowledgeable student. The Study Guide includes: An outline of Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth: Part Two - Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection; a convenient chapter-by-chapter summary; a list of key terms; questions for understanding, reflection, application, and discussion; an easy-to-use glossary of important terms and persons; a section for readers to include their personal reflections on the reading.
Christology | Theological StudiesA list of articles and book titles referring to Christology. Complied by Theological is an Internet Resource for Studying Christian Theology
Essays | The Gospel CoalitionThe Gospel Coalition, or TGC, is a network of "broadly Reformed" evangelical churches founded in 2005 by Christian pastors/theologians D. A. Carson and Tim Keller. The mission of TGC is to encourage and educate "current and next-generation" Christian leaders by advocating "gospel-centered principles and practices."
Normative Protestant Christology | The Oxford Handbook of ChristologyThis chapter proposes several normative presuppositions for contemporary Protestant Christology, which is taken to be a spiritual and intellectual task which is offered to the church catholic. It discusses the sources, norms, and sphere of Protestant Christology, develops an account of Christ’s person as the incarnate Son of God, and offers a reading of Christ’s work through the traditional category of his threefold office as prophet, priest, and king, albeit with several critical emendations. It also briefly covers the theological significance of the distinction between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith and differing views of the reason for the Incarnation.