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Citation Software

A basic guide to help users get started with Zotero, EndNote and alternative citation tools.

Zotero in Word

Zotero will automatically appear as a tab in Microsoft Word once it has been installed.

Below is a break down of what the Zotero tab contains:

Ensure Word is using the Chicago 17th Footnote style

Before you begin, be sure that Zotero is using the Chicago Footnote style. In Word, change to the Zotero tab and click document preferences. This will open preferences in the Zotero program. Select Chicago 17th edition (full note) as the style.


How to insert a Footnote into Zotero

To enter a citation into Word:

  1. Ensure Zotero program is open.
  2. Navigate to the Zotero tab.
  3. Click Add/Edit Citation.
  4. Pressing the button brings up the citation finder in Zotero.
  5. Search for your reference in your library, click on it and press enter. 


If want to cite a certain part of an item, e.g. a certain page, page range or volume, the cite options windows has a drop-down list of the different "locator" types and a text box in which you can enter the locator value (e.g. “4-7”). 

  1. Once you have searched for your reference in your library, click on it and the drop box will appear.
  2. Add your page numbers and press enter.


Further Information

For further information about inserting footnotes into Word with Zotero, visit Zotero's Using the Zotero Word Plugin.