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For further information on using databases, visit the Understanding Databases LibGuide ᐅ
The search bar enables you to search across all University of Divinity library collections. This includes all of the Library Hub’s electronic resources as well as the print holdings of University of Divinity Libraries. All students, staff and other members of the University are entitled to access these resources and borrow from these libraries. Please click through the tabs to learn how to navigate the search bar.
Search filters or limiters are a powerful tool to help narrow down your search results meaning you won't have to look through mountains of irrelevant records to find what you’re looking for. Once you have conducted a search, the filters will appear on the left of the catalogue.
By using the filters, you can limit your search results to a single library or expand it to include University of Divinity Libraries. Some other limiters include format, publication year and author. Because of the extensive nature of the databases being searched, some filters need to be applied so that the most relevant material for you research is being displayed. For example, to restrict a search to include only resources in English, click the “English” box from the language category.
This search functionality is based on WorldCat, the world’s most comprehensive library database, enabling users to identify resources held in library collections around the world. Note, items held in Libraries Worldwide are not accessible via the Library Hub unless they are Open-Access.
By using the filters on the left you can limit your search results to a single library, or expand it to include all University of Divinity Libraries.
Print Books: To limit your search to finding a print book, select the library/libraries you wish borrow from and select print book from the format list.
eBooks: To limit your search to finding eBooks, select University of Divinity Libraries and choose eBooks from the format list. If it is available as an eBook, a large red button will appear below the title.
Beneath the title and summary, you will see the library, the shelving location, the call number and the availability.
The latest edition of a title will be shown first. If that particular copy or edition is not available, be sure to check if there are more copies of an alternative edition available. If it is available as an eBook, a large red button will appear below the title.
If an item says it is available at University of Divinity libraries but your library is not mentioned in the availability list, click on the record, scroll down to other availability & holdings and click Other Libraries Worldwide. Find your library and click on view catalogue to view item.
If the particular item you are looking for is not held at your library, you can see if an alternative edition is held by clicking on the record and scrolling down to the bottom of the page to explore different editions and formats.
To identify when items are not held by the University of Divinity Library, the record will display the text at other libraries worldwide.
Further information about eBooks >>>
To ensure everyone can get access to eBooks when they need to, we recommend you watch the video below and follow these steps when possible:
This search functionality is based on WorldCat, the world’s most comprehensive library database, enabling users to identify resources held in library collections around the world. Further information on how OCLC clusters their search results is available here: What is FRBR?
In the search bar, type in your search term (any combination of author, title, publisher, dates and subjects may be used as part of the search). A red button that says "view full text" will appear under articles that can be accessed online. Remember to:
These steps will automatically search across all the databases available to the University of Divinity excluding ATLA (EBSCO Host). If you wish to search the ATLA Database, click the button at the bottom right of the screen. When beginning your research, it is worth searching through both the catalogue and the ATLA Database to find a broad range of resources for your study.
This button will open the Additional Databases banner shown below.
You may find some journals say they are available online, but when you click the Access Journal button, it does not give you access to the particular year/issue that you wish to read. This is because we have multiple databases providing the same title with different year ranges of these journals and the Access Journal button automatically takes you to the first link available. Follow these steps to see if the journal you wish to read is accessible online:
From the catalogue, click on the title to go into the detailed record for the journal
Drop down the access online section and look for the correct range for your citation
Click the Access Journal link and this will take you to the year range you are looking for
The Single Sign On (SSO) allows you to remotely access electronic resources available on the Library Hub. The sign in page will appear automatically once you click on eBooks or online articles.
The credentials you use will be the same as your SSO.
The Advanced Search option allows you to perform more complex searches than a standard search. You can enter search terms across a number of fields and combine criteria with Boolean operators (AND, OR, & NOT). To access Advanced Searching click the Advanced link under the search bar or at the top left of the catalogue. (More information on search terms can be found under the Learn Search Techniques tab).
Q. I am trying to access a book that shows up as held by University of Divinity libraries but I cannot see which University of Divinity library holds it. How can I check which library holds it?
A number of libraries have recently moved to a shared library system. Search results will display live availability data for items held at the participating libraries, as well as holdings information for other libraries, including University of Divinity Libraries and Libraries Worldwide.
If a book or article in your search says it is available at University of Divinity libraries but does not show which library it is at under the title, follow these steps:
For further information, visit Understanding Shared Services.
Search operators are a set of commands that can be used in almost every search engine, database, or online catalogue. The most popular operators are AND, OR, and NOT. These must all be in capital letters to work. Other operators include parentheses, truncation, and phrases.
Below are a few examples from OCLC's Search Guidelines page.
A keyword search provides a single search box to find words and phrases anywhere in the catalogue record or in title, author/creator, or subject fields. For example:
This search... | returns these titles... |
Keyword: Christian mediation |
A phrase search uses quotation marks to allow an exact match to the phrase searched.
This search... | returns these titles... |
Keyword: "Christian mediation" |
More Examples:
AND | Use this word between concepts to narrow your results. | e.g. sensory AND perception | |
OR | Use this word between related concepts. | e.g. Bible OR Scripture | |
NOT | Use this word to exclude terms from your search. | e.g. virus NOT corona | |
* |
e.g. Christ* will search for Christian, Christianity, and Christendom | |
? | Use a question mark to include variations in spelling in your search. | e.g. wom?n will search for woman, women | |
( ) | Use brackets to create separate groups of actions in your search. | e.g. "Christian spirituality" AND (medieval OR "middle ages") AND Europe |
To discover how to use more search techniques (e.g., keywords, Boolean operators, wildcards, etc.) to refine your search results even further, click here: Search Guidelines Online.
For further information, watch this video: Search Techniques in WorldCat Discovery (7:35).
Provided by OCLC
If you copy and paste an entire reference from a bibliography into the Library Hub catalogue, chances are you will end up an error message.
Instead, copy and paste either the title of the book or the title of the chapter in the book.
Your lecturers will often require you to use information from academic journal articles that are peer reviewed (also known as refereed or scholarly journals). Peer reviewed articles are credible sources of information. The articles have been written and reviewed by trusted experts in the field, and represent the best scholarship and research currently available.
A peer reviewed article is an article:
There are multiple ways to identify a "peer-reviewed" article.