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Style Guide

University of Divinity Style Guide

Scholarly Works - Book with one author

Book with one author                                                                                              CMOS 14.75  

Rule for notes

1. First name Surname, Title of Book in Italics (Place of publication: Publishers, Year published), page number, DOI or URL or electronic format if consulted online.

Example of note entry

1. Peggy Brock, Outback Ghettoes: Aborigines, Institutionalisation and Survival (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 49.

2. Chung Hyun Kyung, Struggling to Be the Sun Again: Introducing Asian Women’s Theology (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1990), 72,

Example of subsequent note entry           

3. Chung, Struggling to Be the Sun, 144.

4. Brock, Outback Ghettoes, 50.

Rule for bibliography 

Surname, First name. Title of Book in Italics. Place of publication: Publisher, Year published. DOI or URL or electronic format if consulted online.

Example of bibliography entry

Brock, Peggy. Outback Ghettoes: Aborigines, Institutionalisation and Survival. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Chung, Hyun Kyung. Struggling to Be the Sun Again: Introducing Asian Women’s Theology. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1990.

Note that page numbers or page ranges are included in footnotes only, and that ff. is not used. If the work was consulted online, Chicago recommends including a URL to indicate this.

Note that the examples above demonstrate English and Asian conventions around the arrangement of first name and surname.

Book published before 1900. No publisher name required. List place and date only. CMOS 14.128

Using a modern edition of a classic text where the original publication date is relevant for historical reasons. Add the original publication date in square brackets after the date of publication. For example: Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1967 [1901].

Book with a non-English title. Provide the title in italics as usual but follow it with an English translation of the title in brackets but not in italics. For example: [In Brackets like This].

Place of publication includes the state only if clarification is required. For example, the town is not well-known, or there are two cities with the same name. CMOS 14.130

Examples and variations of notes and bibliographies: CMOS 14.23